Internal Part List
Sr.No. Release Id Type Of Release Date Of Release Release By
1 17-705-NM Initial Release 13/9/2022 Ramesh More
2 16-386-RP Release to Build 12/9/2022 Trupti Dhuri
3 ALPHA-TEST Revision 11/9/2022 Priyanka Kadam
4 18-999-OH-ARKK Initial Release 1/5/2022 Hemangi Pawar
5 17-045-RP Revision 5/6/2022 Rahul Vaidya
6 17-039-RP Release to Build 8/7/2022 Ramnath Jaiswal
7 17-021-RP Initial Release 13/5/2022 Anand Gaikwad
8 17-017-RP Release to Build 1/9/2022 Jagdish Kharat
9 17-017-RP Initial Release 3/8/2022 Ganesh Lokhande
10 17-019-RO Release to Build 2/8/2022 Trupti Dhuri